Escrow Plugin for WordPress WooCommerce

Our Woocommerce plugin allows you to receive payments directly from your WooCommerce store and Wordpress marketplaces.

Installing Manually

Download the current version from the link below.

Then go to your Wordpress Admin panel, click on Plugins, then click on Add New, and then click on Upload Plugin. This will display a form for uploading the .zip file you downloaded earlier. Click on Choose File to browse to the .zip file, select the .zip file, and click Open. Now click Install Now to start the installation.

Click Activate. If successful, Vahlid Escrow Pay should now appear as an option under the Checkout tab of the WooCommerce Settings page.


This PlugIn has been tested with the following software and we do not guarantee it to work with older versions.

WooCommerce 7.8.1

WordPress 6.2.2

PHP 8.1.6


Find the settings for this PlugIn by clicking on WooCommerce on the Left tab, then click Settings, then click VAHLID -AGENT.

The Vahlid Agent ID is your Account Id created when you registered on dashboard. Pls click on the link to login and copy your Vahlid ID in your profile.

Paste your Vahlid ID here and Save.

Also on the settings page, click on Payment, then enable Vahlid Escrows Payment and then click on save.

Still on the settings page, click on General Tab, ensure you complete your store address and then click on save.


Vahlid Escrow Pay should now appear as an option under the Checkout of your store.

Last updated